Saturday, 12/3
MUST Ministries
15 to 20 students
Leaders: Eric & Kellie Wright, Nathan Champion, Matt Smith
Time: Meet at 9:30 in the church parking lot.
We are going to their toy shop on windy hill road to help organize and shelve toys for distribution.
Habitat Restore
10 students – 5 boys, 5 girls – must be Junior or Seniors
Leaders: Eli & Kristi Laughlin, Andrew Smith (I didn’t talk to Kristi I’m assuming she’s helping).
Time: Leave the church at noon and return between 3:30 and 4
We will work in the Habitat for Humanity Restore helping with accepting in donations, loading cars for buyers and whatever they need us to assist with.
7 Bridges
unlimited in # of students
Leaders: Carol Garrett, Steve Thomas, Katie Hill, Randy & Allison Rhodes, Amelia DeRamus
Leave the church at 11:30 and return between 4 and 5.
We will go to the 7 Bridges location and then into downtown Atlanta to hand out lunches to the homeless. There is no limit to the number we can take as long as we have enough adult drivers. Since this is an event we don’t have to RSVP for we will need the first two projects we have committed to assist to fill up before we take a group here. If we do not go here in December we will pick another month for this to be our project.
Sunday, 12/4
DFACS bags
unlimited in # of students
Leaders: Julie Mell, Stephanie Brooks
Right after church until all the bags are stuffed.
We will be assembling bags for Cobb and Paulding DFACS. Often times when a child is removed from a home only a few items are taken with them and those items are put into a garbage bag making that child feel unimportant about themselves. We will have small bags or backpacks that we will stuff with essentials that the DFACs organization suggest for their workers to have on hand when they place a child in a temporary home.
Osborne High School
unlimited in # of students as long as there are enough leaders to drive
Leaders: Logan & Sarah Smith, Olivia London, Amelia DeRamus
Right after church until all the pine straw is spread.
Osborne is a lower income High School in Cobb County and they are absolutely thrilled that we called and wanted to assist their campus. They do not have much parental involvement much less money for beautification of their campus. We will be spreading pine straw at their location and because their campus needs so much they are actually calling another church in their area to see if they will also do another area of the school for them. They also plan on having some of their students there to assist us in this project.
Alternate date – Friday, December 16th
Feed my Lambs – Happy Birthday Jesus Party
Leaders: Chris & Carol Garrett, Randy & Allison Rhodes and possibly the Zgonc’s
HS Students Only. 10-15 Students
If a student cannot participate on either of the above dates or just wants to assist this is an alternate opportunity. We would love to take a group to help with the Happy Birthday Jesus Party. It is for approximately 1000 kids at the Cobb Civic Center. There will be crafts, face painting and games we can assist with.