Middle School
Time: 4-7 PM
Middle School will meet at the church at 4 PM. They will stuff bags for DFACS/Orphan Sunday. Then they will divide into two groups. One group will be heading to Cavary Children’s Home to serve dinner, play dodgeball and have a devotional. The second group will be heading to Cobb Street Ministries to serve dinner and spend time playing with the children.
Dinner will be provided for the students at both locations. Students will need to sign up. A Sign Up list will be in LifeGroups on Sunday, November 5th, or you can send an email to mdavis@burnthickory.com. They are expected to return around 7 PM.
High School
Time: 1:00 to 4:00 PM
High School will be meeting in the Radiate Cafe for Pizza immediately following the 11:00 service. They will then head out to Milford Elementary School for an outdoor work day. They are expected to return around 4 PM.