Trip Dates: July 18-21
Who: Graduated 2021 Seniors
Where: Center, AL
Check In: Radiate Cafe following the 11 AM Service
Return: July 21 | 1:30pm
Trip Cost: $80
What to bring:
- Clothing
- Bathing suit (boys and girls keep it modest)
- Sunscreen
- Bible
- Note Pad and Pen
- Valid Drivers license
- Pillow
- Blanket/ Sleeping bag
- Beach Towel
- Water Shoes/Chacos
- Pack of Clorox Wipes
Space is limited! Contact Eli (elaughlin@burnthickory.com) for further information.
Medical Release Waiver
If you haven’t already filled out a Radiate Medical Release, please download. Notary is available at the Burnt Hickory office or contact Maria to arrange a time to get your form notarized at mthomas@burnthickory.com.