Our Radiate Students Disciple Now (DNOW) is an amazing opportunity to pour into the lives of students, both from our faith family here at Burnt Hickory and in our community. We need your help to make it happen! Check out the various opportunities we have for you to be involved from working at registration, serving food, helping with recreation, to opening your home as a landing place for students to dive into the Word and grow in their faith under the guidance of their small group leader.
DNOW is November 3-5 and we’ll have a big kick-off rally on November 2.
Host Home
Host families are primarily responsible for opening their home for some 6 to 12 middle or high school students and a college/20-something small group leader from Friday night to Sunday morning as a safe, warm environment. Your home doesn’t have to be huge or fancy! Hosts do need to be members of Burnt Hickory Baptist Church and will be required to have a background check. Check out our info sheet or apply today! Email Savannah at sbloodworth@burnthickory.com for questions.
Our co-hosts come alongside our host homes to help with food and transportation. Whether you spend the weekend with the host and group of students or just show up with a yummy breakfast and help move students back and forth to the church can depend on your schedule and what your host needs. Join up with a friend who’s hosting and dive in together! Co-Hosts must be Burnt Hickory Baptist Church members and are required to have a background check.
DNOW Leader
The main goal for our small group leaders over the weekend is to create and facilitate gospel-centered, appropriate relationships with students. You are stepping into these students’ lives as a SPIRITUAL MENTOR and Bible teacher for the weekend. Small Group leaders are college-age or young adults who are all in to influence the next generation of students. A background check will be required. If this is you, apply today!
We need lots of welcoming faces to help students know what to do and where to go. We will have registration/check-in at both our Kickoff on Thursday evening and on the first night of DNOW, Friday evening. If you’d like to be part of this team, sign up on our volunteer form! Questions? Email Maria at mthomas@burnthickory.com.
Food Service
This is another quick opportunity to serve students and who doesn’t love the person handing them food?! If you’d like to help us with food, click the button and add your name to “Event food for large groups” and we’ll get you connected! Contact Savannah at sbloodworth@burnthickory.com for questions.
If you’re a high energy, fun loving person, this is the job for you! Come help us make our recreation better than ever before! Email Savannah at sbloodworth@burnthickory.com and let her know you’d like to be on the recreation team!
Event Prep
Are you available before the event and happy to help do things like organize t-shirts or alphabetize check-in cards? You are our people and we need your help. Email Maria at mthomas@burnthickory.com and let her know you’d like to help.