Come join us for our D-Group Launch Party this Sunday afternoon! We’ll have some yummy snacks, talk about how groups are going to work, hand out our Foundations books (these are free for our students!), and get groups together to make plans for when to meet.
Discipleship Groups (D-Groups) will involve 4-7 students and 1 leader who will meet weekly throughout the school year for 1-2 hours. They will discuss their weekly Foundations New Testament Bible reading, hold each other accountable for how they live, and spend time praying and learning together.
Guess what?! We have options for D-Groups:
- You can form your own group! Talk to your friends and join together.
- You can recruit your own group leader! If you have someone in mind to lead your group, talk to them and see if they’re willing to spend this school year working through the New Testament with you.
- You can ask for help finding a group. We’ll have groups ready to jump into if you don’t have one in mind.
- You can ask for help finding a leader. We have some awesome leaders ready to lead! We’ll be placing them with groups that don’t already have a leader.
If you have already signed up your group, this will be your chance to get together, make some plans and get ready to start! If you signed up to get help finding a group, come and we’re going to find the best fit for you. We’re already working hard to make sure we have everything set up. If you’re interested, but have questions or concerns, this is your opportunity to get answers!
Our desire is to walk alongside students of all ages as they learn how to read God’s Word and grow in their relationship with Jesus in Biblical community. We believe that these D-Groups will provide an amazing environment and structure to help students grow.
Q & A
Q: Parents, you might be asking: “What if I have multiple kids and they want to be part of groups? How will I manage getting them all where they need to be?”
A: We know this will mainly affect the middle school crowd, so the majority of our middle school groups will meet Sunday afternoons right here at the church at the same time. If you have additional questions about group meeting times and places, please know that we’re meeting this Sunday to get groups together and figure out what works best for your students. If you have additional questions, please reach out to Chip at cpaul@burnthickory.com.
Q: What if you can’t meet at the same time as the rest of your group?
A: We’ll be setting aside time at our launch party to work through the group schedules and get a master list of groups in place. We have quite a few groups starting up, so it may be an opportunity for you to jump into another group that better fits your schedule if there is a true conflict.
Q: What kind of commitment is this?
A: This commitment is for the entire school year. You’ll be walking through the New Testament with the Foundations book. We want to see true discipleship happen in these groups, and that means true commitment on the part of the leader and the students in the group. If your schedule changes, talk with your leader about it. We know you may miss once in a while, but we are asking that you make your group a priority.