Support a Student – Buy a ticket today!
This summer Radiate Students is taking a team of almost 100 students and adults to Kenya on a mission trip. Our annual Student Missions Auction is one of the ways we support our students as a church. Buy a ticket today and be sure to put a student’s name that you wish to support! Don’t know a student? Stop by our Radiate Cafe on Sunday mornings or Wednesday evening and we’ll introduce you to a student who would welcome your support!
Student Missions Auction | April 27, 2024
Fundraising Meeting for the Auction:
March 3 following the morning service in the Radiate Auditorium
If you have questions about fundraising requirements, please contact Janet Allison at
Student Mission Auction:
Student Missions Auction Requirements Explained:
Requirements Checklist:
1. Every student is required to DONATE either $30 in gift card OR a new item worth at least $30 (Due March 27!). Be creative! You can also make a basket of items (Movie night, spa, travel, pet, coffee, etc.).
2. Every student is required to SELL a minimum of 8 dinner tickets at $18 each (click the Ticket Link for ticket info and share the link to sell your 8 tickets)
3. Every student must complete ONLY ONE of the following:
- SERVE dinner at the auction
- PREPARE dinner in the kitchen
- SET UP for the auction
- PARTICIPATE in 3 office hours
We will update the Auction requirements tracker spreadsheet several times a week. When a student has completed a requirement, it will be marked complete in the Auction Spreadsheet firs and then checked off in GoMethod as time allows.
Q: Who’s eligible to go on the 2024 International Student Mission Trip?
A: All students who are currently in the 8th-12th grade.
Q: What do I need to do?
A: We’re so glad you asked! We have two major fundraising events each year. These have the potential to substantially reduce the cost of your trip. If you do all four events you’ll likely have between $1,000-$2,000 applied to your trip cost. Please read below to see the requirements for each event. If you have questions please email the point of contact listed for each event.
Run for the Son 5K/10K | February 3, 2024
Event Completed – Run for the Son
Requirements Checklist:
Every student is required to complete BOTH of the following:
- Get at least 10 Sponsors for the race.
* REGISTER yourself as a runner or phantom runner
* FIND at least 9 additional runners to sign up and SPONSOR you (9 + YOU = 10 Total) - Volunteer for the event.
* WORK Race Day
* SET UP for the Race
* PARTICIPATE in Makeup Hours
**Phantom Sponsor Registration is open until February 18 at midnight.
**Please note, more sponsors does not mean more fundraising dollars for you personally, but the more people participate the higher the race proceeds will be and the larger the share per student has the potential to be.
Run for the Son Requirements Explained:
Why do I need to register myself? Do I have to run or can I be a phantom sponsor for myself?
Great question! One of the reasons you need to sponsor yourself is YOU will need the shirt for our trip. Each day on our trip, you will have a t-shirt you are assigned for that day. Some of these are shirts you have already received (DNOW shirts and Run for the Son shirts) and some are special shirts you will receive before we travel. You don’t need to run the race. In fact, we would rather you work the morning of the race! We need as many student helpers as possible. More info on this will be given at the Fundraising meeting on January 7.
Who are my 9 additional runners?
Your runners will sponsor you by filling in your name under “Student I am sponsoring” on their registration form. They can participate in the race in-person or virtually or do what is called the “Phantom Runner” option. Sponsorship is not applicable with $15 registration, only $25 or above. Try your best to get sponsors from outside the church.
What if I asked people, but I need to find out if they actually sponsored me?
It is your responsibility as the student fundraising to keep up with this information. We want to make this info accessible to you so that you can keep up with this information. If they aren’t listed as sponsoring you yet, you should reach out to them and gently remind them. Or find other sponsors. So how do you find out? There are two options:
A. GOOGLE DOC: this will show how many people have signed up to sponsor you, and whether our records show you have sponsored yourself (remember you, the student, need to be signed up!).
B. SPONSOR LIST: on Sunday mornings and Wednesday nights at the Radiate Welcome Desk, you can see a list of the names of people that have signed up to sponsor you.
Phantom Sponsor Shirts:
Phantom sponsor shirts will be available for pickup at the race beginning at 8 AM (We have to let all of our runners get shirts first. If we run out of shirts, we’ll process one additional order of shirts immediately following the race.)
Phantom sponsors can pick up their own shirts at the race or students can pick them up for them. There will be a master list for students to check on Saturday or Sunday morning in the Radiate Cafe. We don’t ship shirts, so if you have someone sponsoring you that can’t pick up their shirt (example: a grandparent who lives in another state) you’ll be responsible for getting the shirt to them or they can opt not to get a shirt.
If you work Race Day…
Pease sign up for this on the signup genius linked above. You will receive an email the week before the race from our Volunteer Coordinator for your report time. When you arrive on race day, sign in at the student volunteer table to receive your assignment. You will receive a completion receipt when the race is over, we have cleaned up, and Katie has dismissed you. Please dress warm, because you may be outside! If you plan to run the race, please let JoAnna know. Keep in mind we may need you in another role that day, so please be flexible if we reach out to you about a specific task. There are many different responsibilities on race day.
If you want to set up the race…
You MUST sign up for this, and space is limited. This is reserved for those that cannot work Saturday. Plan to be in the front lobby of the church Thursday, February 1 from 7-9 PM.
There are also some slots available to work at our Race Packet Distribution on Friday, February 2 from 4:15-6:45 PM.
If you plan to participate in makeup hours…
If you need makeup hours… This must be because you have a legitimate reason that you cannot work Thursday, Friday, or Saturday. You will need to plan to be at the makeup hours on Wednesday, February 8 (sign up for that slot on the sign up genius), or email Katie Meriwether before race weekend about another option. (email:
Any suggestions for help getting those last few sponsors?
Students may also work in one of the lobbies on Sundays or coordinate going to an adult LifeGroup.
Slots to do this run January 21-February 11, spaces are limited.
Who is the point person for this event?
Janet Allison (Worship Staff) will be sending notices, updates, tracking student requirements and more for this event. Her email is The Radiate Staff is more than willing to help answer questions you may have as well.
Where do I turn in my auction item?
Please donate your items no later than March 19 to Janet Allison in the BHBC office during the week days or drop it off at the Radiate Welcome Desk on a Wednesday night or Sunday morning. Please make sure your name is clearly identifiable with the item and include the retail value of the item and a contact name and phone number.
If you are serving dinner at the auction…
You will receive an email from Janet Allison for your report time. When you arrive, sign in at the student volunteer table. You will be dismissed when we have cleaned up, and Janet has dismissed you.
If you’re interested in preparing dinner in the kitchen…
You must be 16 or older, and spaces are limited. Email Janet if interested at
If you are setting up the auction…
This will take place the morning of the event, so this option is reserved for those that have sports, homecoming, or a prior commitment Saturday night. Spaces are limited.
If you plan to participate in office hours…
This must be because you have a legitimate reason that you cannot work the auction. You will need to schedule your hours with Janet Allison NO later than May 12.