Fast Food Wednesdays: This is a great time where Middle schoolers get to fellowship and hang out at different Fast food restaurants! Bring some money and come ready to eat! If you’re a rising 6th grader, then these are for you!
Radiate White Water Day: June 24th
Summer Update 1
We want to make it easy to stay connected and informed so check back here at our blog often for new updates that give a quick overview of what’s happening in Radiate Students! Middle School has been at Collide MS Mission Camp all week! You can check out their adventures on our Instagram: @bh_radiate. We’re […]
MS Bible Study & Slip n’ Slide | 6/16
Radiate Braves Night | June 10th
Radiate End of the Year Celebration
New High School Bible Studies
HS Movie Night: April 29th
So here’s the thing… until NCG Acworth releases the schedule for Avengers Endgame on 4/2 we don’t know a whole lot of details. Here’s what we do know: On Tuesday, April 29 we’re going to NCG Acworth to watch Avengers Endgame. Students will be responsible for purchasing their own tickets. We anticipate the shows will […]
Collide MS Mission Camp: June 2-8
This year Collide will take on a larger emphasis of missions through VBS, worship arts ministry, service projects and block parties, as well as a small camp element that includes pool time and worship. We’ll end our week with a fun day at Universal Studios because we have a motto: Work hard. Play hard. Because […]